FDRC 2018 Annual Report

Notes to Financial Statements 財務報表附註 (Expressed in Hong Kong dollars) (以港幣列示) Financial Dispute Resolution Centre 金融糾紛調解中心 62 9. DEPOSITS, PREPAYMENTS AND OTHER RECEIVABLES 2018 2017 Deposits 按金 $ 1,102,299 $ 1,062,204 Prepayments 預付款 225,712 337,789 Other receivables 其他應收款 253,676 552,263 $ 1,581,687 $ 1,952,256 Disclosed as 披露為: Non-current assets 非流動資產 $ 6,692 $ 2,100 Current assets 流動資產 1,574,995 1,950,156 $ 1,581,687 $ 1,952,256 The amount of the Company’s deposits and prepayments expected to be recovered or recognised as expense after more than one year is $ 6,692 (2017: $2,100) and is disclosed under non-current assets. All of the other prepayments and other receivables are expected to be recovered or recognised as expense within one year. 10. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS Cash and cash equivalents comprise: 2018 2017 Cash at bank and on hand 銀行存款和現金 $ 1,563,371 $ 1,071,016 Time deposits with original maturity of less than three months 19,500,000 24,040,500 原定期限少於三個月之定期存款 Cash and cash equivalents 現金和現金等價物 $ 21,063,371 $ 25,111,516 9. 按金、預付款和其他應收款 本公司預計於逾一年後收回或確認為開支的按金 及預付款數額為 6,692 元( 二零一七年: 2,100 元 ),並披露為非流動資產。所有其他預付款和 其他應收款預期可於一年內收回或確認為開支。 10. 現金和現金等價物 現金和現金等價物包括: