FDRC 2018 Annual Report

Financial Dispute Resolution Centre 金融糾紛調解中心 2 Mission 使命 To provide independent and impartial mediation and arbitration services, primarily through a “Mediation First, Arbitration Next” approach, to facilitate the resolution of monetary disputes between financial institutions and their customers in Hong Kong. 主要以「 先調解,後仲裁 」的方式,提供獨立及不偏不倚的調解及仲裁服務,協助香 港的金融機構及其客戶解決他們之間的金錢爭議。 Vision 抱負 To be the leading provider of financial dispute resolution services for disputes between financial institutions and their customers so that such disputes can be resolved by a constructive approach without further escalation, and to reinforce Hong Kong’s role as an international financial centre by extending our service scope and engaging stakeholders of the financial industry. 致力成為香港提供解決金融業相關爭議服務的領導者,以具建設性的方法處理金融機 構與其客戶之間的金錢爭議,避免爭議升溫,並透過擴大我們服務的範圍及聯繫金融 業界的持份者,一起鞏固香港的國際金融中心地位。