FDRC 2018 Annual Report

Notes to the Financial Statements 財務報表附註 (Expressed in Hong Kong dollars) (以港幣列示) Financial Dispute Resolution Centre 金融糾紛調解中心 58 4. OTHER REVENUE 2018 2017 Renewal fee for FDRC List of Mediators/Arbitrators 調解計劃轄下調解員╱仲裁員名單的續期費 $ 2,800 $ 10,000 Room rental income 房間租賃收入 318,140 312,885 Interest income 利息收入 730,283 704,564 Sundry income 雜項收入 9,250 – $ 1,060,473 $ 1,027,449 5. DEFICIT Deficit is arrived at after charging: 2018 2017 (a) Staff costs 員工成本 Salaries, wages and other benefits 薪金、工資和其他福利 $ 5,470,530 $ 5,904,569 Contributions to defined contribution retirement plan 界定供款退休計劃供款 138,949 161,719 $ 5,609,479 $ 6,066,288 (b) Other items 其他項目 Operating lease charges in respect of office premises 辦公室物業的經營租賃費用 $ 3,423,168 $ 3,008,101 Auditors’ remuneration 核數師酬金 129,868 126,700 Depreciation and amortisation 折舊及攤銷 242,237 1,012,252 Other administrative and operating expense 其他行政及經營費用 2,528,658 2,588,138 $ 6,323,931 $ 6,735,191 4. 其他收入 5. 虧損 有關虧損是計及以下各項後得出: