FDRC 2018 Annual Report

Cash Flow Statement 現金流量表 for the year ended 31 December 2018 (Expressed in Hong Kong dollars) 截至二零一八年十二月三十一日止年度(以港幣列示) Annual Report 2018 年度報告 43 Note 附註 2018 2017 Operating activities 經營活動 Deficit for the year 年度虧損 $ (10,869,937) $ (11,760,230) Adjustments for 調整項目: Depreciation and amortisation 折舊及攤銷 242,237 1,012,252 Interest income 利息收入 (730,282) (704,564) Operating deficit before changes in working capital 營運資金變動前的經營虧損 $ (11,357,982) $ (11,452,542) Decrease/(increase) in deposits, prepayments and other receivables 按金、預付款和其他應收款減少╱( 增加 ) 84,032 (10,141) Decrease in accruals and other payables (200,765) (445,532) 應計款項和其他應付款減少 Net cash used in operating activities $ (11,474,715) $ (11,908,215) 經營活動所用的現金淨額 Investing activities 投資活動 Decrease in time deposits with original maturity of over three months 原定期限多於三個月之定期存款減少 $ 6,500,000 $ 33,400,000 Payment for purchase of property, plant and equipment 購置固定資產款項 (35,798) (96,151) Payment for purchase of intangible assets 購置無形資產款項 (54,451) (373,325) Interest income received 已收利息收入 1,016,819 317,142 Net cash generated from investing activities $ 7,426,570 $ 33,247,666 投資活動產生的現金淨額 Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents 現金和現金等價物( 減少 )╱增加淨額 $ (4,048,145) $ 21,339,451 Cash and cash equivalents as at 1 January 25,111,516 3,772,065 於 1 月 1 日的現金和現金等價物 Cash and cash equivalents as at 31 December 10 $ 21,063,371 $ 25,111,516 於 12 月 31 日的現金和現金等價物 The notes on pages 44 to 68 form part of these financial statements. 第 44 至 68 頁的附註屬本財務報表的一部分。