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CPD event : the JMHO’s Conference on "Role of Mediation on Expediting Redevelopment and Protecting the Private Property Rights of Minority Owners"

Training Details

Date:  28 May 2024, Tuesday

Time:  10:00am-06:00pm

Venue:  S421, HKCEC, Wani Chai

Lanuage: Cantonese supplemented with English

CPD Point: FDRC CPD points are pending.

Fee: Free for FDRC members.


Topic:  "Role of Mediation on Expediting Redevelopment and Protecting the Private Property Rights of Minority Owners"


Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeUcWrQoGw0B5SBu_rjGmTNH8kO5y2dTK5Ek_-U0_RG8EvuUg/viewform

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