Event Organiser: Department of Justice
Supporting Organisations:
The Intellectual Property Department, Hong Kong Trade Development Council, Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club of New Territories and Hong Kong Family Welfare Society, Financial Dispute Resolution Centre, etc.
I. The “Mediate First” Pledge
What is “Mediate First” Pledge?
- Mediation allows parties to a dispute to resolve conflicts in amicable and constructive ways. With the assistance of an impartial mediator, it produces mutually acceptable settlement while controlling risks, costs and time.
- The“Mediate First”Pledge is a commitment by signatory of the Pledge to use mediation first to resolve dispute before resorting to other means of dispute resolution, including court litigation.
- 360 Companies and Organizations have already signed the Pledge. Please visit this link for a list of existing pledgees : http://www.doj.gov.hk/mediatefirst/chi/pdf/pledgeSigneec.pdf
II. Mediate First Pledge 2017 Event
What is the Mediate First Pledge 2017?
- The Mediate First Pledge 2017 (“Event”) offers opportunities for users to know more about the advantages of mediation in resolving a broad range of disputes and to share experience.
- The Event includes a Seminar on Mediation with mediation demonstration and a Mediate First Pledge Reception.
Seminar on Mediation
- Mock mediation to demonstrate facilitative and evaluative mediation in action. Followed by two parallel seminar sessions on commercial and community level disputes. The Seminar will cover a broad range of topics, such as intellectual property rights disputes, cross-border disputes, building management disputes and consumer disputes, peer and family mediation.
- Guest speakers for the Seminar include: Mr Registrar Lung, Mr Chan Bing Woon, SBS, MBE, JP, Mr Samuel Chan, JP, Ms Eva Chiu, Professor Iu Ting Kwok, Mr CK Kwong, JP, Miss Lam Tze Yan, Mr Francis Law, Professor Raymond Leung, Ms Sylvia Siu, JP, Ms Winnie Tam, SC, Professor Christopher To, Ir Raymond Wu, Mr Norris Yang and Ms Amarantha Yip, etc.
“Mediate First” Pledge Reception
The Seminar will be followed by a reception. Highlights of the reception are:
- Launch of “Mediate First” Pledge Logo and Star Logo, and awards presentation
- Announcement of the criteria for obtaining Star Logo
- Ceremonial signing of “Mediate First” Pledge.
Secretary for Justice, Mr Rimsky Yuen, SC, JP and Hon. Mr Justice Lam, Vice–President of the Court of Appeal of the High Court will officiate the reception.
Who should attend the Mediate First Pledge 2017?
- Representatives of multi-national corporations and small and medium enterprises, organisations in the intellectual property, innovation and technology, creative industry, telecommunication, property management and education sectors and other non-governmental organisations with management responsibilities in handling disputes may wish to seize the opportunity to exchange views or share their experience on the use of mediation.
13 June 2017 (Thu)
3pm – 8pm
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
FDRC (2.5 CPD points)
Registration: Please register at http://www.doj.gov.hk/mediatefirst/2017Registration.html
Enquiry: Please contact Ms Louisa Ng at 3918 4343, or Mr Andy Tseung at 3918 4430 or email to “mediation@doj.gov.hk”