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CPD event: Sharing Session on the External Mediation Master Scheme

Course Objective:

The Judiciary implemented a Pilot Schemem on External Mediation Master ("EMM Scheme") in the District Court from January to September 2018. The aim of the EMM Scheme was primarily to faciliate settlement through mediation at case management summonses or conferences.


The EMM Scheme aimed to provide a platform in the litigation process for the parties to settle when they had litigated for awhile and had experience in spending time and costs in litigation. The EMM played an impartial and authoritative role to assist the parties to face the options they could pursue realistically. Generally, the EMM began by explaining (i)the underlying objectives of the Rules of the District Court, (ii) the court's duty to further those objectives by actively managing cases, and (iii) the duty of the parties and their legal representatives to assist the court to further those objectives.


This Sharing Session aims to introduce the EMM Scheme and present its major findings to the participants.


About the Course:

The Sharing Session will cover the following:

- Introduction of the EMM Scheme;

- Presentation of the findings on the EMM Scheme;

- Sharing Session on the EMM Scheme by an EMM; and 

- Experience sharing from the perspective of a lawyer.


Date: Wendesday, 28 Auguest 2019

Time: 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Point: 1.5 CPD (Law Society, HKMAAL and FDRC)

Venue: Jurors Assembly Room, 1/F, High Court, 38 Queensway, Hong Kong

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