About this Sharing Session:
You are cordially invited to participate in the sharing session on 26 June 2019 at 6:00pm to exchange ideas and experience in handling issues raised in the FDRC mediation and/or arbitration process with Mr. Fred Kan, Director of the FDRC and Chairman of the FDRC Appointment Committee, and other Members of the FDRC Appointment Committee. It will be an informal sharing with refreshments and beverages, and questions are encouraged.
Date: 26 June 2019 (Wednesday)
Time: 6:00pm ~ 7:30pm
Venue: Training room, FDRC
Language: English/ Cantonese
Fee: Free
Target audience: FDRC Arbitrators and FDRC Mediators
CPD Points: 1.5 CPD Points will be awarded to participants
Registration deadline: 21 June 2019 (Friday)
Registration method: Please send your name via an email to fdrc@fdrc.org.hk for registration. Confirmation will be sent by email on or before 24 June 2019 (Monday).
Enquiry: Contact person – 3199 5166 (Ms. Sophie Shek)
(26 June 2019)