CPD event: Understanding Fraud Involving Payments
In recent years, substantial amounts have been lost to scams. Among the reported payment methods, bank transfer, cryptocurrency and credit card were the most common. This course reviews different types of payment fraud. In particular, it considers legal principles and
regulatory policies relevant for redistribution of losses. This review requires participants to grapple with issues that may arise in payment
fraud disputes, making reference to selected cases processed at the FDRC.
Time: 3:15 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
Venue: Room 205-207, 2/F, West Wing, Justice Place, 11 Ice House Street, Central
Fee: Free for FDRC Mediators / Arbitraton
HK$ 800 for Other Participants
*Light snacks and coffee included.
2.5 Mandatory FDRC CPD Points
* Pending CPD registration approval from the Law Society of Hong Kong and the HKMAAL
Register: https://fdrc.org.hk/en/doc/2023/Flyer_16Nov.pdf