(6 September 2013, Hong Kong) - Financial Dispute Resolution Centre (FDRC) announced the appointment of Mr. Fred Kan as its Board Director and Chairman of the Appointment Committee. Mr Kan will succeed Ms Wu Hung-yuk, Anna, who stepped down as Board Director and Chairman of the Appointment Committee.
Mr. Fred Kan is a practicing solicitor of Hong Kong and a Council Member of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC). He is also an accredited mediator of CEDR, the Law Society of Hong Kong and HKIAC. Mr. Kan has been serving the FDRC as a member of the Appointment Committee since June 2012 and provided FDRC with solid guidance in handling matters in relation to the admission of mediators and arbitrators to the FDRC List of Mediators and List of Arbitrators.
Speaking on the appointment, Ms. Teresa Cheng, Chairman of the FDRC, said, “The Board is pleased to be joined by Mr. Kan. His ample experience in mediation and arbitration will help the Board formulating robust policies and strategies. I am confident that, under the leadership of Mr. Kan, the Appointment Committee will continue to build and strengthen the FDRC List of Mediators and List of Arbitrators, as a way to serve the public with high quality mediation and arbitration services.”
“On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank Ms Wu for her dedication and invaluable contribution to FDRC during her term of office,” Ms Cheng added.
Mr. Fred Kan is appointed on an ad personam basis for a term of two years.
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About Financial Dispute Resolution Centre
FDRC is a non-profit limited company by guarantee and commenced operation on 19 June 2012. It administers an independent and impartial Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme (FDRS) to resolve monetary disputes between individual consumers and financial institutions by way of “Mediation First, Arbitration Next”. All financial institutions authorized by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority or licensed by the Securities and Futures Commission (except those providing only credit rating services) are members of the FDRS. The FDRS provides a cost-effective and time-saving financial dispute resolution avenue for the financial sector and the community.
FDRC maintains a List of Mediators and a List of Arbitrators (the Lists) to provide professional mediation and arbitration services under the FDRS. The Appointment Committee considers applications for admission to the Lists. It also ensures that the assessment and admission processes are fair and independent.
For more information of FDRC, please call its hotline at 3199 5199 or visit its website www.fdrc.org.hk.