(28 February 2014, Hong Kong) – The Financial Dispute Resolution Centre (FDRC) today announced the re-appointment of Ms Teresa Cheng Yeuk Wah as Chairman effective from 1 March 2014 to 29 February 2016.
The FDRC also announced the re-appointment of Mr Brian Fung Wei Lung and Ms Connie Lau Yin Hing as Directors. In addition, Mr Jason Yeung Chi Wai has been appointed a new FDRC Director. All of the above Directors are appointed for a term of two years effective from 1 March 2014.
The FDRC looks forward to the continued leadership of Ms Cheng to further strengthen FDRC’s role as a leading provider of financial dispute resolution processes to deal with disputes between financial institutions and their customers.
The FDRC thanks Ms Cheng, Mr Fung and Ms Lau for their valuable contributions over the past two years and looks forward to their continued support and guidance in the coming two years.
It also expressed gratitude to the retiring FDRC Director Ms Barbara Shiu for her dedication and invaluable input to the work of the FDRC in the past two years.
Mr Yeung is the Deputy Chief Executive in charge of personal banking business at BOC Hong Kong (Holdings) Limited. He is a seasoned banker with profound experience in corporate governance. Mr Yeung is also a member of the Insurance Advisory Committee and Hospital Authority Review Steering Committee.
The composition of the FDRC Board from 1 March 2014 is as follows: Ms Teresa Cheng Yeuk Wah (Chairman), Mr James Henry Lau Jr (representative from the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau), Ms Meena Datwani (representative from the Hong Kong Monetary Authority), Mr Mark Robert Steward (representative from the Securities and Futures Commission), Mr Fred Kan, Mr Brian Fung Wei Lung, Ms Connie Lau Yin Hing, Mr Jason Yeung Chi Wai and Ms Sou Chiam (the Chief Executive Officer of the FDRC).
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For media enquiries, please contact:
Ms Virginia Siu
Assistant Communications Manager
Financial Dispute Resolution Centre
Tel: 3199 5104
Fax: 2565 8662
Email: pr@fdrc.org.hk
About the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre (FDRC)
FDRC is a non-profit company limited by guarantee and commenced the provision of dispute resolution services on 19 June 2012. It administers an independent and impartial Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme (FDRS) to resolve monetary disputes between individual consumers and financial institutions by way of “Mediation First, Arbitration Next”. All financial institutions authorized by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority or licensed by the Securities and Futures Commission (except those providing only credit rating services) are members of the FDRS. The FDRS provides a cost-effective and time-saving financial dispute resolution avenue for the financial sector and the community.
FDRC maintains a List of Mediators and a List of Arbitrators (the Lists) to provide professional mediation and arbitration services under the FDRS. The Appointment Committee considers applications for admission to the Lists. It also ensures that the assessment and admission processes are fair and independent.
For more information on the FDRC, please call FDRC Hotline at 3199 5199 or visit FDRC website www.fdrc.org.hk.