(31 August 2017, Hong Kong) – The Financial Dispute Resolution Centre (“FDRC”) today announced the re-appointment of Mr Frederick Kan Ka-chong as a Director of the FDRC and the Chairman of its Appointment Committee (“AC”) on an ad personam basis for another term of two years, from 1 September 2017 to 31 August 2019.
Mr Kan, a seasoned legal professional, has been serving the FDRC as a Director and the AC’s Chairman since 2013. By providing advice and insights, Mr Kan has made a notable contribution to the Board in the formulation of the FDRC’s strategic planning over the years. Under his supervision, the AC has been upholding its fair and independent admission assessment processes as well as the professional standards of the mediators and arbitrators on the FDRC List of Mediators and List of Arbitrators respectively.
In welcoming Mr Kan’s re-appointment, Professor Teresa Cheng Yeuk-wah, the FDRC’s Chairman, said, “The Board is delighted with Mr Kan’s re-appointment. His profound experience in mediation and arbitration would continue to benefit the FDRC at large.”
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