(30 March 2020) - Financial Dispute Resolution Centre (FDRC) announced the appointment of Prof. WONG Kam-fai, MH as a Director of the FDRC Board for a two-year term from 31 March 2020 to 30 March 2022. Prof. WONG will succeed Mr. Philip LEUNG Kwong-hon, MH who will retire from the Board with effect from 31 March 2020.
Prof. WONG is Associate Dean (External Affairs), Professor in the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, Director of Centre for Innovation and Technology, Faculty of Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). He is also Associate Director of Center for Entrepreneurship, Business School, CUHK. Dedicated to serving the community, he has committed to various public duties and was the Past Chairman of the Trade Practices and Consumer Complaints Review Committee and Research and Testing Committee of Consumer Council.
Meanwhile, FDRC would like to express its gratitude to Mr. Philip LEUNG for his unrelenting commitment and dedication during his term of office in the past six years.