(29 February 2016, Hong Kong) – The Financial Dispute Resolution Centre (“FDRC”) today announced the re-appointment of Professor Teresa Cheng Yeuk-wah as the Chairman of the FDRC Board for a term of two years, with effect from 1 March 2016.
In addition, the FDRC also announced the re-appointment of Mr Brian Fung Wei-lung and the new appointment of Mr Tong Hon-shing as Directors from 1 March 2016 to 28 February 2018.
The re-appointments of Professor Cheng and Mr Fung are welcomed by the FDRC. The capable steering of the helm at the FDRC by Professor Cheng and the professional guidance and contributions of Mr Fung to the FDRC over the past four years are highly appreciated. The FDRC Board looks forward to the continued leadership of Professor Cheng and the support and contributions of Mr Fung in the future.
Mr Tong Hon-shing, Deputy Chief Executive and Chief Operating Officer of The Bank of East Asia, Limited, is a seasoned banker with extensive experience in retail banking and corporate banking businesses. The FDRC Board is delighted to have Mr Tong as a member and looks forward to his fresh perspectives and inputs.
The FDRC also expressed its heartfelt thanks to the retiring Director Mr Jason Yeung Chi-wai for his dedication and support to the FDRC in the past two years. Mr Yeung's wise counsel and industry experience have made invaluable contributions to the work of the FDRC.
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