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Case Studies

Mediator helping parties to make informed decisions

Current Account

Mr. Wong had a dispute with a financial institution regarding his current account. As both parties had very strong views on the circumstances surrounding the cashing of a cheque, the dispute could not be resolved. Mr. Wong filed an application to mediate his case at the FDRC.

During the mediation meeting, the mediator helped parties to bridge the gap by asking the claimant to consider a number of issues including the likely cost for hiring an expert and how his work and financial situation would be affected if he brought the claim to court. Similarly, the bank had to think about a number of issues including their relationship with Mr. Wong, the time to be spent on handling the case, and how their customer relationship would be further affected if the case was litigated.

Both parties, taking into account of the new perspective, were able to re-consider their offers and were satisfied with the mediator’s assistance in helping them make an informed decision.


(The case studies are based on actual FDRC cases. Various information including names of claimants, financial institutions and their staff, actual claim and settlement amounts have been altered to protect confidentiality of parties.)


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