Prof. LEUNG Hing Fung is a practicing mediator, arbitrator, barrister and Professor of Practice (Arbitration and Dispute Resolution) in the Department of Real Estate and Construction, Faculty of Architecture, University of Hong Kong.>
Prof. Leung is a member of various panels and lists of mediators including the List of Mediators of the FDRC, the Panel of General Accredited Mediators of the Hong Kong Mediation Accreditation Association Limited (HKMAAL), the Panel of General Accredited Mediators of Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC), the Joint Panel of Accredited Mediators of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS) and Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA), the List of Mediators of the Hong Kong Bar Association, the Panel of Mediators of the Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators and the Panel of Mediators of The International Commercial Mediation Joint Court in Shanghai. Since 2003, Prof. Leung has acted as mediator in many cases with disputes of various kinds from small commercial disputes to huge land, construction and financial disputes. Prof. Leung has been very active in training and assessment of mediation and frequently acts as Lead Assessor in HKMAAL Stage II mediation assessment. He was the lead assessor for the first HKIAC Stage II assessment held in China and was a Chairperson of Hong Kong Mediation Council, HKIAC.
Prof. Leung is a member of the List of Arbitrators of FDRC, the Panel of Arbitrators of HKIAC, the Joint Panel of Arbitrators of HKIS and HKIA and the Panel of Arbitrators of Hainan International Arbitration Court. He started practising as arbitrator in 1994.
Besides practising arbitration, mediation and training, Prof. Leung has been very active in public services. He is at present a member of Land and Development Advisory Committee. He was Vice-Chairperson of HKMAAL, a convenor of the Railway Objections Hearing Panel, a Chairman of the Appeal Tribunal under the Buildings Ordinance, a member of the Steering Committee on Mediation chaired by the Secretary for Justice, a member of the Town Planning Board, a member of Authorized Persons Registration Committee Panel, a member of Inland Revenue Board of Review Panel, a member of Structural Engineers Registration Committee Panel and a member of Surveyors Registration Board.
Prof. Leung is a frequent speaker and writer on topics related to mediation and other forms of dispute resolution